In 1995—when two Christian Brothers opened San Miguel School Chicago in a convent dining room with four staff members, 18 students, a $50,000 grant, and a founding mission to transform lives through faith-based education in the Lasallian tradition—we could not have envisioned how multifaceted our mission would become.
Today—more than a quarter century and 600+ San Miguel graduates later—we are an indispensable resource in the heart of Chicago’s vibrant but underresourced Back of the Yards community.
Our alumni earn high school degrees at twice the rate of their neighborhood peers—and more than half of these San Miguel School success stories continue on to college. Many are the first in their families to realize the dream of a higher education.
As we help these young people rise above their challenges, we’re also lifting up the community. To help San Miguel parents and their neighbors achieve their educational goals, we offer free ESL, GED and financial literacy courses. To ease food insecurity, we distribute fresh produce, groceries and holiday meals. To reduce health disparities, we partner with community organizations to offer free vaccinations, health screenings, oral health care, and health and wellness workshops.
To learn more about our mission or arrange a personal tour of our school, please contact us at [email protected].